
Medusa Video Shoot Spring 2024

Hybrid ***

Need to put editorial photos & also event photos/video?

Summer 2022

Location: Chiasso Perduto

Arte e moda senza confini/Art | Fashion without limits

Hybrid is a cartography of connections that aren’t always visible: an area of transformation that aims to start a conversation and allows others to complete it. Hybrid doesn’t define itself as a fashion collection nor as wearable art, it is an idea explored through the dialogue of different languages such as painting, performance, and design. Garments become vehicles for this idea to cross over and be re-invented when worn. Each body adds something to the dialogue thus becoming a collective proposal that intends to avoid radical statements of gender and appearance and rather becomes an intersection of layers that speak about human complexity. The result includes many layers, each one with its own identity but at the same time when amalgamated, they build a new meaning on the body in relation to others and the surroundings.